Coach TJ Basketball Performance
Signed in as | Go to Dashboard | Sign out

Hello and welcome to the Sign up \ Registration page for Coach TJ Basketball Performance

Please read thoroughly before you proceed


Click the "Sign Up" button in the upper right hand corner.

Enter the Players name in the "Sign Up" fields,

Enter the Parents email address in the "Email" field,

Create a password

Click Next step


Upon entering the site you will be prompted with the payment guidelines and a waiver of liability. 

Under each question, you (the parent) must acknowledge and accept the terms, then type in your name.

Click Create account.

You will be in the Dashboard. 

In the upper right hand corner of the dashboard, click the down arrow and select "Settings" to add your mobile number. 

Finally, under Emergency Contact, add the parents name.    

Welcome to the program,

Coach TJ Basketball Performance

You have successfully signed in!
As this is a shared client email address (). Select which client account to continue with...